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Drupal 11

Posted on:August 4, 2024 at 03:55 PM

Drupal 11! 🚀

Drupal 11

The most recent update of the well-known content management system (CMS) has been released, and it includes a variety of thrilling new features and enhancements. In this article, we will examine the features of Drupal 11 and explore how it can be advantageous for developers, site builders, and content owners.

Enhanced Management System Backend

Drupal 11 has implemented major enhancements to the backend administration, resulting in improved speed and efficiency. The traditional management bar now loads more quickly on both backend and frontend pages, enabling site administrators to access their crucial tasks faster. Furthermore, a new feature in Views allows for the creation of pages that display in the admin theme no matter their URL.

Managing permissions has become simpler with the inclusion of a quick filter to help you easily locate the necessary permissions to modify for your current task. A new feature called Announcements Feed has been included in new Drupal installations as a default component to assist site admins in staying informed with the most recent updates.

Facilitated Decoupled Navigation

Drupal’s simple API setup has made it an excellent choice for front-end JavaScript apps. Yet, the process of handling navigation was frequently difficult and annoying. This issue has been addressed by incorporating specialized endpoints that comply with the Linkset standard, which aim to streamline the access between content components in detached situations.

Enhanced Menu Development

In the latest version of Drupal, creating menus has become even more user-friendly with the ability to easily include sub-menu items and a simplified menu item editing process that streamlines key elements for building fantastic websites.

Updating JavaScript for Modernization

Modern JavaScript components have taken the place of jQuery UI in certain scenarios, simplifying the process for developers to create for Drupal without the need for extra build steps. Enhancements have been made to the real-time JavaScript file compression feature, leading to a decrease in pre-gzipped file sizes.

Troubleshooting and managing cache

Drupal 11 now includes a feature known as “Twig Development Mode” that enables developers to enhance their workflow with Twig. This function enhances the development process by enabling developers to identify and solve problems more quickly than before.

Developers can also manage their caching tactics using the extra feature of “Do Not Cache Markup.” Disabling Render Cache, Dynamic Page Cache, and Drupal Page Cache boosts control on caching mechanisms.

Building Sites Easily with Updated Recipes APIs

Recipes help address issues with old Drupal install profiles and enable flexible site construction by offering automated building steps that can be mixed and won’t remain on the site post-application. Recipes make site building easier, eliminate the requirement to download individual modules, and encourage the use of composable components.

Enhanced Policy Capabilities for Access Management

The access policy API enables the development of access granting and checking solutions that surpass permissions and user roles. Additional factors and situations could be considered, such as if the user utilized two-step verification or if they exceeded a limit on activity rates.

Improved lazy loading feature enhances user experience.

With BigPipe, Drupal allows web browsers to request additional page content after loading the initial page, therefore decreasing initial page loading times. BigPipe also enables previews of interfaces for delayed content, which can reduce page reflows and improve the user experience.

Drupal 11 enhances the performance of its core code.

Significant work has been put into streamlining Drupal’s core for Drupal 11. Contributors have thoroughly tidied up and simplified the code to highlight Drupal’s key features, such as security and performance.

Insight into proactive performance

Gander, an automated testing framework, has been integrated into Drupal core since version 10.2 to monitor core performance. Gander enables us to track performance over time to guarantee that performance declines are not inadvertently reintroduced with code modifications.

To sum up, Drupal 11 is a robust and fully-featured CMS that provides numerous advantages for developers, site builders, and content owners. Drupal 11 is a great option for creating and managing optimized digital experiences, thanks to its enhanced administration backend, decoupled navigation, and composite site-building features.